Sunday, April 13, 2008


Comedy isn't funny today.  Comedy in movies and cartoons these day is based on random interchangable jokes.  Writers don't even try anymore.   I feel like artistic expression has lost most of it's creativity sense the creation of the internet. 
I believe this can be blamed on the fact that anyone can publish their own art now.  Now there are lower standards than ever keeping art from the public.  There are no great comedic authors today like William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens.  Today authors share credit for shows like Family guy and the Simpsons. These shows are prime examples of falling standards of mental stimulation involved in comedy.  These shows rely jokes like large fighting chickens and short cut scenes.  They are the literary equivalent of "not" jokes.  
I feel that without strict standards from audiences, the American public will forever be condemned to entertainment without brain stimulation.  But the way most citizens act, I feel like they might be ok with that.

1 comment:

*Miranda* said...

I definitely am disappointed with the lack of true comedy these days. You referenced Shakespeare; his comedy was classic! Sadly we can't use that kind of humor in today's society because someone will get "offended" or draw out a law suit for something stupid. I think we should have higher standards for things like this and ignore the stupid people that claim it's "so bad" and "offensive." They should get over it =P