Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Early in the moring rising to the street.....

Sometimes life feels likes a song. Everyone has had one of those days that felt more like "Beneath the Killing Moon" then "Obla Di-Obla Dah". Today I woke up to the song "What I got?"
This makes me ask myself: Do I really feel that love is all I got? Or do I just secretly crave a cigarette? This made me ask myself a third question: Does the song playing in your head have anything to do with your emotions?
I don't really know the answer to any of these questions though. I just met a girl, who makes me quite happy, but I definitely don't feel in love with her. I just quit smoking, but a cigarette is the last thing on my mind. These two ideas make me feel like the answer is simple: There is no connection between the songs in our head and the thoughts in our mind.
But then I remembered that I usually have sad songs in my head when I'm sad. And as expected, I had happy songs stuck in my head when I was happy. So does your mind play off of your emotional state more than your wants and whats immediately in your head?
I believe this is closest to the truth. I believe that unless you are a song writer, your mind can't usually find the exact words to express how you feel in song, so your mind must find songs that are close to how you feel. This is why some when we are around friends, songs about friends usually come to mind etc.


Cassie said...

I think our mind makes tha connection between emotions and thought. Naturally if you are sad you may think of a sad song. For me sometimes if I listen to a sad song, I will end up a little sad. It sparks ideas and thoughts in your head that can alter your mood.

Anonymous said...

Well it kinda sounds like you're craving a cigarette because you mention them a few times. But I feel the same way. Yesterday i was happy and had the freecreditreport.com songs stuck in my head. The words are lame but the tempo matched my emotions.